10 Remarkable Oven Cleaning Hacks for a Sparkling Kitchen

A gleaming, spotless oven not only enhances the aesthetics of your kitchen but also ensures healthier, more flavorful meals. However, oven cleaning can be a daunting task that many homeowners dread. Worry not, as we have compiled a comprehensive list of ten oven-cleaning hacks that will simplify the process and leave your oven looking brand new. Say goodbye to harsh chemicals and elbow grease, and say hello to a sparkling kitchen with these easy and eco-friendly tips.

1. Baking Soda Magic

Baking soda is a superhero when it comes to natural cleaning. To kick-start the oven cleaning process, make a paste by mixing baking soda with water. Apply the paste evenly over the interior surfaces, avoiding the heating elements. Let it sit overnight to break down grease and grime effortlessly.

2. Vinegar and Lemon Power

Combine the cleaning powers of white vinegar and lemon for a potent solution. After the baking soda treatment, spray vinegar over the surfaces and squeeze lemon juice on top. The fizzy reaction will loosen stubborn stains. Wipe it off with a clean cloth or sponge, leaving your oven smelling fresh.

3. The Trusty Dish Soap

Don’t underestimate the effectiveness of a simple dish soap solution. Mix warm water with a few drops of dish soap and use it to wipe down your oven racks and interior. This gentle yet powerful solution will remove grease and oily residue with ease.

4. Steam Cleaning Shortcut

For a quick and efficient clean, use steam! Place a heat-resistant bowl filled with water inside the oven and set it to a high temperature for 20–30 minutes. The steam will soften the grime, making it easy to wipe away. Remember to use oven mitts when handling the hot bowl.

5. Say Yes to Salt

Spilled a bit of grease in the oven. Sprinkle salt over the fresh spill to absorb the grease. Once the oven has cooled down, you can easily wipe away the now-congealed grease with a damp cloth.

6. Newspaper Trick

For the oven door that has seen better days, try this newspaper hack. Dip newspaper strips into the water and presses them against the oven door. Let it sit for an hour, and the trapped steam will loosen up any grime. Wipe the door clean with a microfiber cloth for a streak-free finish.

7. Invest in Oven Liners

Prevent future messes by using oven liners on the bottom rack. These non-stick mats catch drips and spills, saving you from extensive cleaning sessions in the future. Plus, they are easily removable and dishwasher-safe.

8. The Mighty Toothbrush

When dealing with hard-to-reach nooks and crannies, bring in a toothbrush to save the day. Its small bristles are perfect for getting into crevices and corners, ensuring no dirt is left behind.

9. Regular Maintenance

Consistency is key to an immaculate oven. Make it a habit to wipe down spills and splatters after each use, preventing the buildup of tough stains over time. A minute of cleaning now can save you hours in the future.

10. Enlist Professional Help

If oven cleaning remains a daunting task, don’t hesitate to call in the professionals. Oven cleaning services have the expertise and tools to tackle even the grimiest ovens, leaving you with a sparkling, fresh kitchen.


Maintaining a clean oven doesn’t have to be a chore. With these ten oven-cleaning hacks, you can achieve a spotless oven and a sparkling kitchen effortlessly. From the magic of baking soda to the power of steam, these eco-friendly methods will have your oven looking brand new in no time. Embrace these hacks, and say goodbye to stubborn stains and grease. Happy cooking and even happier cleaning!